week 1 disc 4,
Question Description
Please do a paragraph about this post with this instruction .
post most have 4 or more sentences .
you also have to have a high quality post from a content perspective. This means it also needs to do more than agree with or praise a class mate. If you agree with a classmate, explain why, give an example, share what you learned in the reading
The dissemination of research findings into nursing practice is essential to provides some strategies to improve our sharing of new knowledge and innovations, so that patients can experience the best high quality health care and nursing practices are based on timely knowledge derived from research. The dissemination process, and transforming research into practice is a very demanding process. It requires our intelligence, creativity, clinical judgment, knowledge and skills, organizational savvy and endurance if we are committed to making a difference to improving health and health care system.
To disseminate new knowledge on pressure ulcer prevention practice, the author would present her project in OJIN (The Online Journal of Issue in Nursing) “The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing is a peer-reviewed publication that provides a forum for discussion of the issues inherent in current topics of interest to nurses and other health care professionals. The intent of this journal is to present different views on issues that affect nursing research, education, and practice, thus enabling readers to understand the full complexity of a topic. The interactive format of the journal encourages a dynamic dialogue resulting in a comprehensive discussion of the topic, thereby building up the body of nursing knowledge and suggesting policy implications that enhance the health of the public.” (OJIN, 2017) OJIN’s international readership includes nurses employed by thousands of healthcare organizations throughout the world, researchers, and educators and students in a variety of educational programs.
The conference that writer would prefer to present evidence based practice research project on pressure ulcer prevention would be NUAP Biennial Conference. This conference discuses everything on pressure ulcer. This conference provides excellent board to present new knowledge on pressure ulcer prevention. The primary mission of the NPUAP & this conference is to improve patient outcomes in pressure injury prevention and treatment. By incorporating the latest scientific evidence into the educational slide sets for teaching health care providers.
A big problem in health care today is the research-practice gap, often caused by the failure to disseminate new knowledge from research and translate this into practice. Only a small percentage of research findings get translated into practice, due to three reasons: research results may not be disseminated at all, the findings are not disseminated to the right audiences, or the results are disseminated but are then not translated into practice. These problems occur in medicine, nursing and other health disciplines many countries. Today there is a movement around the world to try to overcome these problems, and the terminology of this movement includes knowledge translation, evidence-based nursing, or evidence based practice. Through OJIN and NUAP Biennial Conference author has great opportunity to disseminate new knowledge about pressure ulcer prevention into nursing practice.