Research Article Critique
Nursing Article critiquePlease use the attached article for the critique. Instructions: Please select any nursing research article from any one of the scientific journals found in the Nursing-Related Databases and Journals list. Select an article from an area that you are interested in or from the field you are working in. Using the article selected, construct a critique of the article, 6 to 10 pages (including cover page and references).The critique shouldidentify the problem statement or statement of purpose of the articledescribe the participants being studied, stating inclusion and exclusion criteriadiscuss the sampling issues, such as probability or nonprobability and number of subjects usedidentify the study setting—where data collection occurreddiscuss informed consent—whether the participants were fully informed, how their consent was obtained, and any other ethical considerationsidentify the hypothesis or research questionidentify the research design—for example, experimental or nonexperimental; descriptive, exploratory, explanatory, or predictive?identify research variables, both independent and dependentcomment the on article’s literature review—how the study data were analyzed (what statistical measures were used)describe the results of the study and appropriateness of the methods used; include study limitationsaccurately critique comments on level of evidence used, nursing theory, and implications for nursing practice or researchdiscuss how the research findings can be applied to the clinical areaThe following resources provide helpful guidelines for constructing a critique of a nursing research article.VideoFramework for how to read and critique a research study: Research Article Critique. ArticlesVance, D. E., Talley, M., Azuero, A., Pearce, P. F., & Christian, B. J. (2013). Conducting an article critique for a quantitative research study: perspectives for doctoral students and other novice readers. Nursing: Research and Reviews, 3: 67–75.Cronin, P., Ryan, F., & Coughlan, M. (2008). Undertaking a literature review: a step-by-step approach. British Journal of Nursing, 17(1): 38-43.The Learning Resources page lists resources that provide several guidelines for constructing a critique of a nursing research article you may find helpful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your instructor. |
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Rubric Name: Assignment #2: Research Paper Critique
Criteria(7-10 points) Provides clear, accurate comments on the title, abstract, introduction, and purpose of the study (3 – 6 points) Provides comments on the title, abstract, introduction, or purpose of the study (0-2 points)Lacks comments on the title, abstract, introduction, or purpose of the study(7-10 points) Discusses participants, inclusion and exclusion criteria, sample size, consent, and other ethical considerations(3-6 points) Includes information on participants, but lacks information regarding sample size and/or consent(0-2 points) Provides little or no information regarding participants, sample size, or consent(13 – 20 points) Accurately identifies research question/hypotheses, including independent and dependent variables(6-12 points) May not accurately identify research question/hypotheses or independent and dependent variables(0-5 points) Lacks discussion of research question/hypotheses and/or study variables(13-20 points) Accurately comments on literature review, research methods, data analyses, and limitations of the study(6-12 points) Includes comments on literature review, research methods, data analyses, and limitations of the study, but discussion was somewhat vague (0-5 points) Does not comment on literature review, research methods, data analyses, and limitations of the study; or inaccurately discusses these aspects(13-20 points) Accurately comments on level of evidence used, nursing theory, and implications for nursing practice or research(6-12 points) Comments on level of evidence used, nursing theory, or implications for nursing practice or research(0-5 points) Inaccurately comments on level of evidence used, nursing theory, or implications for nursing practice or research(7-10 points) Discusses realistic applications of the research to the clinical area(3-6 points) Discusses somewhat realistic applications of the research to the clinical area(0-2 points) Does not discuss realistic applications of the research to the clinical area(7-10 points) Expertly applies APA guidelines in formatting and referencing; exhibits excellent spelling and grammar throughout the paper; is well organized and easy to read(3-6 points) Applies APA, but exhibits some formatting or referencing mistakes; has some spelling and grammar errors; is generally well written and easy to read, with minimal organization problems (0-2 points)Has many APA, spelling, and/or grammar mistakes throughout the paper; is difficult to read; may be ineffectively organized |