risk assessment tool phyllis young
Assessment #2: Risk Assessment Tool (20 %) – Course Objectives # 1 – 5
Using the information on pages 109 – 132 of the Vellani text, develop a risk assessment tool to be used to conduct a survey of a home, business, faith institution, or other physical facility of your choice.
The paper should include:
Cover page with name, course title and number, Turnitin.com score, and date submitted.
Body of paper:
Introduction that provides the purpose of the paper.
Discussion of the site selection and the rationale for the site selected.
Components of the risk assessment tool.
Reference List.
All papers will adhere to APA guidelines, and be a minimum of five (5) computer-generated not including the title page and reference list, double-spaced 12-point font pages. Margins are to be 1 inch (top, bottom, right, and left).