Respond to each post
Question description
You should also provide responses to your classmates that should be a minimum of 100 words. In your peer replies, you are encouraged to challenge responses to promote critical thinking on all sides of a discussion.
Information sharing is key to the goal of delivering better, more efficient public information that is coordinated around the needs of the individual. Through an effective information sharing process, you can deliver choice, efficiency and value for many of the services you provide. Public concern about privacy in the context of computerized information is high, especially in the context of the almost daily losses of personal information from both private and health records. The data for sharing is encrypted, tagged, and made verifiable and secure against alteration before storage on the web, so creating trustworthiness and assuring privacy (Neame, 2013). You have a reassure that the information that you are sharing does not give the information a chance to cause a breach of vital information. Share only what is necessary without overstepping the boundaries of privacy and personal information stealing. Central business intelligence gathers data for medical care and delivers better results for effective decision making. It can help with sharing the data publically with privacy and avoidable human error.
Lynette Magee
Neame, R. (2013). Effective Sharing of Health Records, Maintaining Privacy: A Practical Schema. Online Journal of Public Health Informatics. Retrieved from
Classmate Post #2
Clinical Business intelligence (CBI) is essential for gathering information and data to analyze and help clinics make better decisions. CBI provides insight and intelligence to help healthcare systems take actions to improve their performance. Data that is collected and analyzed is important to share with the public in order for them to be informed of health issues in the community. This allows the public to know of any epidemics, outbreaks, or environmental exposures, for example. It can also provide the public with knowledge on diseases and illness and how to prevent the same mistakes from happening again. The public can be educated on the health issues in their communities and also around the world. CBI can continue making improvements in healthcare and analyze data to help others become more aware of health issues.
Abagail Ladd
What Is Clinical Business Intelligence? (Module 1). (2016). Retrieved from…
Hello Professor and classmates! Every specific population will have a demographic of the people that live there. Cultural competency is extremely important when addressing health problems within a specific population because the demographics could be different depending on where you are intending on focusing. That way you have an idea of the types of health issues that would most likely be needed to target. It is also reason to target specific populations with health information that they relate to so that there is flexibility available for the types of health issues that could be in different areas. Partnering with outreaches in those areas to plan different events, social media outlets can also work such as Instagram, and volunteering at the schools in the area to spread the word.
Sheena Hansborough
““Culture” is a term that goes beyond just race or ethnicity. It can also refer to such characteristics as age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion, income level, education, geographical location, or profession” (SAMHSA, 2016). When a person is culturally competent they are able to take all of these aspects into consideration and effectively interact with people. Cultural competency is a important skill to have when addressing health problems because the targeted audiences will always vary and it allows one to adapt to every situation. This is also a reason why it is important when addressing specific populations with health information they can relate to. The message trying to be delivered may need to be tailored to meet the needs of the people it’s meant to reach. Messages would need to match the audience characteristics, such as interests, cultural background, location, and their preferred communication channels (Reynolds, 2014). Ways of reaching these different populations could involve things like speaking in simple terms, speaking another language or having information in another language or formats like braille and sign language, and even using social media.