powerpoint presentation 8-10 slides
Question Description
PowerPoint presentation:
Select a topic from the list below relating to Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies (qsen.org):
- Patient Centered Care
- Teamwork and Collaboration
- Safety
- Informatics
Assignment Criteria:
Students will develop a simple PPT relating to a selected QSEN competency that includes the following criteria:
- Define the competency and include a picture or clip art that describes the competency.
- Identify two issues or trends related to the selected competency (issues or trends are from the “knowledge” column in qsen.org).
- Discuss how each issue or trend impacts the role of the professional nurse in the healthcare delivery system.
- Add additional information for the presentation for clarification to the speaker note area of the PPT slide.
- The presentation should include 8-10 slides total; this includes the title and reference slide and no longer than 8-10 minutes. Be complete and concise. Use bulleted statements not complete sentences or paragraphs.
- Use APA format for PPT, which always includes a title slide, a reference slide, and APA requirements. Resources found in APA Documents/Resources.
- A minimum of two (2) references will be required for this assignment. References should be from scholarly peer-reviewed journals(check Ulrich’s Periodical Directory) and be less than five (5) years old.
- Submit both the PPT with presenter’s notes and the Kaltura presentation to the assignment drop box by posted due date.
Include the following in your slides:
- Slide 1: Title-Develop a title slide. This should include the title of the presentation, student name, and the university name. Use APA format (does not need to be in Times New Roman for a PPT)
- Slide 2: Introduction-Briefly discuss what the PPT is going to address. Use key words in bulleted statements versus paragraph format
- Slide 3: Purpose Statement-Develop the purpose statement utilizing the instructions above. Place on the slide using bulleted points (The purpose of this presentation is to….)
- Slide 4: Define the competency and include a picture or clip art
- Slide 5: Present the two issues or trends (issues chosen earlier from knowledge column supported by skills and attitude columns from qsen.org)
- Slide 6/7: Discuss how each issue or trend impacts the role of the professional nurse in the healthcare delivery system. Remember to utilize the literature to support information on the slides; include citations. Again, utilize bulleted statements (slide 6 – 1st issue, slide 7 – 2nd issue. supportive material from 2 peer-reviewed articles no older than 5 years).
- Slide 8: Conclusion-Include a summary of the main points covered. Again, utilize bulleted statements
- Slide 9: References in APA format. Please remember to include in-text citations on slides. References should use APA format (Citation on each slide as well)
- Each slide should include speaker notes for presenting and transitions.