Part 2 Topic 1 DQ 1.1 Self Awareness
Question Description
Please respond with a paragraph to the following post, add citations and references:
Self-awareness in leadership is important in dealing with others problems and issues. Leaders must be unbiased, understanding and willing to consider all sides of a story. Self-awareness in a leader is crucial to being an effective leader. Leaders must understand how their own feelings and beliefs affect their leadership styles, including their values, confidence in direct reports and sense of security times of uncertainty (Huber 2014).Someone with strong self-awareness would be able to pull from past experience and use lessons learned to coach new staff in order to improve effectiveness and productivity. They would be able to learn from past decisions and pass on that knowledge where appropriate. The same leader would keep their emotions out of decisions, be open to new ideas, supportive, transparent, and willing to accept criticism as much as dole it out. A self-aware leader knows their limits and when to ask for help, regardless of the situation.
An example this would be: A new leader is approached by a staff member regarding Electronic Medical Record (EMR) inputs. The leader is new to the unit and doesn’t know everything regarding EMR on the unit and asks for all staff input on the issue prior to advancing the problem up the chain of command. The leader, in knowing their limitations asks for input from all involved and affected if a change would be made. Providing a knee jerk assessment and recommendation would not be appropriate as it may affect more than just the new leaders unit. Becoming educated his self on an issue prior to passing judgement is a strong quality of a leader.
Huber, D. L. (2014). Leadership and nursing care management (5th ed.). Maryland Heights, MO: Saunders Elsevier.