MN507 Discussion Board Peer Response: Case Study
Peer response, need 1 reference, minimum 100 words, in text citation.
There was poor communication between the provider and the patient. The Physician’s office should have called and or e-mailed to say come in to discuss test results in detail. The doctor’s office should have notified the patient that antibiotic therapy was ordered. Meaningful use is using certified electronic health record (EHR) technology to Improve quality, safety, efficiency, reduce health disparities and Maintain privacy and security of patient health information (Meaningful Use Definition, n. d.). The communication using EHR was securely accessed and transferred. There was no breach of HIPPA. I feel Annie acted like a lay person, she took the ABT and didn’t follow up with the doctor or get her original script because it was too much hassle. Annie’s actions showed poor nursing judgment in my opinion. The average non-nursing patient would have one the same thing Annie did. We can argue whose responsibility it is to share relevant health information and follow up on abnormal test results. Yes, doctors need to do better. However, the patient’s has to empower themselves with the knowledge of their test results and follow up care to plan the best treatment of care for themselves. Know what tests you are having done, seek to have a basic understanding of them, and be sure to follow in person, via telephone or using EHR
Meaningful Use Definition And Meaningful Use Objectives Of … (n.d.). Retrieved from
“The goal of increased “meaningful” electronic health record adoption is to create a more efficient, patient-centered health care system by lowering providers’ administrative costs, improving coordination of care among multiple providers, and increasing patients’ participation in and responsibility for their own care (Galbraith, 2013)”. The APRN’s office did not fulfill all the requirements of the stage 2 requirements, these include a clinical summary delivered within 24 hours and the patient should be able to see medication and labs ordered (Emsley, 2012). Had this patient not been a nurse the impact could have been worse there would be less questioning of if medications were appropriate, also the patient could have been totally out of beta blockers and thought they no longer needed them because the APRN never ordered any refills. Patients having access to pieces of their chart makes providers more accountable for what they are ordering. We are heading into the ability of the electronic health record having a widespread availability of patient data that will transform current practice from a reactive disease management system to an efficient proactive health care with early detection and prevention (Emsley, 2012). An example of the is the NYC macro scope project where data from a large EHR system to complement existing chronic disease monitoring systems and used with local partners to establish priorities and programming (Perlaman,2017).
Emsley, Z. (2012). Proposed EHR Meaningful Use–Stage 2. Podiatry Management, 31(7), 79-83.
Galbraith, K. L. (2013). What’s So Meaningful about Meaningful Use?. Hastings Center Report, 43(2), 15-17. doi:10.1002/hast.154
Perlman, S. E., McVeigh, K. H., Thorpe, L. E., Jacobson, L., Greene, C. M., & Gwynn, R. C. (2017). Innovations in Population Health Surveillance: Using Electronic Health Records for Chronic Disease Surveillance. American Journal Of Public Health, 107(6), 853-857.
Peer response, need 1 reference, minimum 100 words, in text citation.