find a solution to cost of boarding psychiatric patients in the emergency department
Question Description
Project- Solutions to the Problem
By the due date assigned, complete the following:
You have now identified a problem; collected information related to the problem and analyzed your findings. This week, you will explore potential solutions to the problem. In addition to your own ideas, you can also contact the individuals you interviewed to learn about any suggestions they may have for solutions to the problem. Conduct a review of the literature to also identify possible solutions for the problem.
Create a 2-3 page Word document to explain your findings and submit to the Submissions Area. Cite all sources in APA format.
Described at least two solutions to the identified problem. | Student did not submit assignment. | Lacked the description of one solution to the identified problem | Provided a minimal description of one solution to the identified problem | Provided a description of two solutions to the identified problem | Provided a thorough description of two or more solutions to the identified problem |
Criteria | No Submission 0 points | Emerging (F through D Range) (12-14) 14 points | Satisfactory (C Range) (14-16) 16 points | Proficient (B Range) (16-18) 18 points | Exemplary (A Range) (18-20) 20 points |
Provided a background for selection of two solutions including expert opinions and current literature. | Student did not submit assignment. | Lacked a background for selection of one solution including expert opinions and current literature. | Provided minimal information about a background for selection of one solution including expert opinions and current literature. | Provided information about a background for selection of two solutions including expert opinions and current literature. | Provided thorough information about two or more specific nursing roles in the creation of the solution and compare that role to the evidence from the literature. |
Criteria | No Submission 0 points | Emerging (F through D Range) (12-14) 14 points | Satisfactory (C Range) (14-16) 16 points | Proficient (B Range) (16-18) 18 points | Exemplary (A Range) (18-20) 20 points |
Discussed a process for implementation of two strategies including information related to the roles of various members of the organizational team including administration, nursing and any other related aspects of the organization. | Student did not submit assignment. | Lacked a discussion about a process for implementation of one strategy including information related to the roles of various members of the organizational team including administration, nursing and any other related aspects of the organization. | Provided a minimal discussion about a process for implementation of one strategy including information related to the roles of various members of the organizational team including administration, nursing and any other related aspects of the organization. | Provided a discussion about a process for implementation of two strategies including information related to the roles of various members of the organizational team including administration, nursing and any other related aspects of the organization. | Provided a thorough discussion about a process for implementation of two or more strategies including information related to the roles of various members of the organizational team including administration, nursing and any other related aspects of the organization. |
Criteria | No Submission 0 points | Emerging (F through D Range) (12-14) 14 points | Satisfactory (C Range) (14-16) 16 points | Proficient (B Range) (16-18) 18 points | Exemplary (A Range) (18-20) 20 points |
Identified two specific nursing role in the creation of the solution and compare that role to the evidence from the literature. | Student did not submit assignment. | Lacked one specific nursing role in the creation of the solution and compare that role to the evidence from the literature. | Provided minimal information about one specific nursing role in the creation of the solution and compare that role to the evidence from the literature. | Provided information about two specific nursing roles in the creation of the solution and compare that role to the evidence from the literature. | Provided thorough information about two or more specific nursing roles in the creation of the solution and compare that role to the evidence from the literature. |
Criteria | No Submission 0 points | Emerging (F through D Range) (12-14) 14 points | Satisfactory (C Range) (14-16) 16 points | Proficient (B Range) (16-18) 18 points | Exemplary (A Range) (18-20) 20 points |
Used APA style (which includes grammar, spelling, and punctuation, as well as formatting). | Student did not submit assignment. | Introduction is limited or missing entirely. Poorly organized document. Transitions are infrequent, illogical, or missing entirely. Conclusion is limited or missing entirely. Writing contains numerous errors in spelling, grammar, or sentence structure that severely interferes with readability and comprehension. No attempt at APA formatting. | Introduction is present but incomplete or underdeveloped. Poorly organized document that interferes with readability and comprehension. Transitions are sporadic. Conclusion is present, but incomplete or underdeveloped. Writing contains numerous errors in spelling, grammar, or sentence structure that somewhat interfere with readability or comprehension. APA format is attempted to paraphrase, quote, and cite, but errors are significant. | Introduction has a clear opening, provides background information, and states the topic. Loosely organized document that may haveto be inferred. Transitions are appropriate and help the flow of ideas. Conclusion summarizes main argument and has a clear ending. Writing follows conventions of spelling and grammar throughout. Errors are infrequent and do not interfere with readability or comprehension. APA format is attempted to paraphrase, quote, and cite, but few errors are present. | Introduction catches the reader’s attention, provides compelling and appropriate background information, and clearly states the topic. Well organized document with an appropriate introduction. Transitions are thoughtful and clearly show how ideas relate. Conclusion leaves the reader with a sense of closure and provides concluding insights. Writing follows conventions of spelling and grammar throughout that helps establish a clear idea and aid the reader in following the writer’s logic. APA format is used throughout when appropriate or called for. |
Overall Score | No Submission 0 or more | Emerging (F through D Range) 70 or more | Satisfactory (C Range) 80 or more | Proficient (B Range) 90 or more | Exemplary (A Range) 100 or more |