Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) vs. traditional risk management.
Question Description
Absolutely no plagiarism, must be original and very thorough. Please make sure everything is followed in every section and follow the grading rubric. Assigned textbook is attached but also must include at least nine other academic relevant resources, total of at least 10 references. Must include in-text citations. Please include the free link to the relevant academic resources/references. Also minimum of 10 pages and maximum of 15 pages.
Textbook: file:///C:/Users/User/Desktop/enterprise-risk-management%20textbook.pdf
A specific company will be assigned to you on the first day of class by the course professor. Your project is to write a term paper addressing all eight sections listed below that are directly related to your assigned company. The company the I was assigned is: The GAP
Your paper must address all of the following eight areas. All discussion must be directly relevant to your assigned company. Again, the company is: The GAP
- A critical analysis including a comparison and contrast of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) vs. traditional risk management.
- A discussion of the following risks:
- Hazard
- Financial
- Operational
- Strategic
- Identification and analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) relative to this company.
- A discussion of the relationship between organizational culture and ERM.
- A discussion of risk in terms of current and potential profit opportunities.
- A minimum suggestion and discussion of two specific ways in which auditors can incorporate ERM into the company’s audits.
- A discussion of the role of financial derivatives as a both a risk management and speculative tool. Specific examples of effective or ineffective uses by the company must be given.
- A discussion of the ways three leading companies (one domestic (USA) and two international) implement Enterprise Risk Management. These companies must be direct competitors to the assigned company which is the subject of this term paper. If your assigned company does not have international competitors, three domestic competitors may be used and vice versa.
Paper Specifications
- Style: Your paper must be written in APA style.
- Length: The completed term paper must be a minimum of ten double spaced pages in length; the maximum limit is 15 double spaced pages. The page count refers to content only. It does not include the title page reference page, or any appendices. A deduction of five points will occur for every page under the minimum or over the maximum page count.
- References: A minimum of 10 references are required for this paper.
- Plagiarism: Your paper will be run through TurnItIn.com to check for proper citations and an instance of plagiarism. Accidental or intentional plagiarism is unacceptable. Discovery will lead to penalties ranging from zero points awarded in a particular section up to the issuance of a grade of zero for the entire paper. It is recommended you submit your paper before the deadline, review your TurnItIn report, make any necessary edits, and resubmit your paper. Follow the directions in the TurnItIn resources in the Student Resource Center to see how to review your score.
- Term Paper
Criteria | Ratings |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome ERM Critical Analysis | Writing is completely relevant and specific to the topic. Full comparative analysis of ERM relative to traditional risk management. |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Discussion of Risk | Writing is completely relevant and specific to the topic. Complete discussion and analysis of all of the following types of risks: Hazard, Financial, Operational, and Strategic. These must be specific to the company assigned. |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome SWOT Analysis | Writing is completely relevant and specific to the topic. Full discussion and analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats relative to the company assigned. |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome ERM & Organizational Culture | Writing is completely relevant and specific to the topic. Full discussion and comparative analysis of the relationship between organizational culture and ERM. Discussion and analysis is specific to the company assigned. |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Profit Opportunities from Risk | Writing is completely relevant and specific to the topic. Discussion and analysis is specific to the company assigned. |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Incorporation of ERM into Audits | Writing is completely relevant to the topic. Discussion and analysis is specific to the company assigned. Analysis includes two ways ERM can be incorporated into the audits of assigned company. |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Financial Derivatives: Speculation vs. Risk Management | Writing is completely relevant and specific to the topic. A complete discussion and analysis of the role of financial derivatives as a both a risk management and speculative tool. Two or more specific examples of effective or ineffective uses of financial derivatives by the assigned company must be given. |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome ERM Implementation | Writing is completely relevant and specific to the topic. A full discussion of the ways three leading companies (one domestic and two international) implement Enterprise Risk Management. These companies must be direct competitors to the assigned company which is the subject of this term paper. If your assigned company does not have international competitors, three domestic competitors may be used and vice versa. |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome APA Format and Style | APA format and style is accurately and consistently applied to the entire assignment. |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Writing Mechanics | Writing is entirely free of grammatical, spelling and/or language errors. |