ENGL 124 Critical Response: Coming to Terms
After reading “Chapter 1: Coming to Terms” in Rewriting, 2nd edition (pages 14-34), type up an outline.
- Choose 10-15 important concepts you learned in this section. Use quotation marks or paraphrasing appropriately to avoid plagiarism, and include a page number for each of these concepts. Also, use bullet points or numbering for each new concept. Underline or bold any key terms/phrases for emphasis within each bullet point.
- For each bullet point (concept), add 1-2 sentences, explaining the importance of this concept, or why it stood out to you. Use complete sentences.
- Aim for 400-800 words total. Put this word count in the 5th line of your heading.
textbook Rewriting: How to Do Thing with Texts, 2nd edition, by Joseph Harris