discussion post on nursing
Question Description
“Katherine Garcia, Joe’s 76 year old mother, has been complaining of fatigue and a persistent cough for approximately 2 weeks. Joe scheduled an appointment for his mother at the family clinic. Katherine appears disheveled. Her clothes are mismatched and rumpled, and her hair is tousled. Normally she appears at the clinic dressed as though she were going out for the evening. She had a hard time signing in at the desk and tells the receptionist she has a 1:00 pm appointment, but it is 9:00 am. Katherine’s vital signs are as follows: BP, 142/90 mm Hg; pulse, 94 bpm and regular; respirations, 24 and labored; temperature 99.6 F oral.
- What additional assessment data would be useful to gather at this time?
During her visit at the clinic, you notice that Katherine is extremely confused. Her weight has dropped 7 pounds since her visit last month, her mucous membranes are dry, and she is quite dyspneic with any activity. Katherine is diagnosed with pneumonia. Because of her rapid decline, she is admitted to the hospital to receive antibiotics administered intravenously. At the hospital, her initial pulse oximetry reading is 90%, and she is unable to cough up secretions.
- What are three appropriate nursing diagnoses to focus interventions for Katherine?
- What actions should you anticipate taking?
After four days in the hospital, Katherine is discharged to home. She asks the hospital nurse, “What can I do to make sure I never get that sick again?”
- How would you answer this question?”